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Focusing on the insights associated with the life of an International celebrity chef, the proposed dwelling aims to disassociate itself from the visions of a humid and claustrophobic environment in which a chef operates. The design is focused towards immersing the client within the streets themselves, structured using only necessary elements in order not to define exterior and interior space. Primarily only using walls to function as windbreaks, with minimal protection from weather in vital areas in the form of skylights and horizontal planes.

The dwelling aims to encourage opportunities to observe and participate in the vibrant café and restaurant culture brewing on the streets below. The existing walls and masonry are also exposed and are seen through a curtain wall of glass. Controlled using a system of visible pullies and weights, the dwelling can also be occupied to suit the client’s desire for attention and privacy. These sliding billboards can then act to conceal the dwelling amongst the variety of signage and advertisement present along Leigh Street.

Designed as a summer residence to remain unoccupied during winter months, the dwelling also functions as a recreational community space. Adjoined to the existing rear balcony of the Peel Street Bread and Bone Wood Grill, circulation between the adjacent streets and boutiques is encouraged, serving as a transitional space to further frame and accentuate the views of the cafes below.

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Throughout the year the dwelling undergoes a perpetual cycle of growth and decay. Using billboards to both provide the dwellings access to sunlight and privacy, when left open the dwelling can function as a public greenhouse and conservatory. Occupying the otherwise empty voids of the dwelling, the plant life does not obstruct any paths or circulation space whilst retaining the functionality of each space. Species such as Feather Reedgrass, extend above and hang below the void to street level, whilst ground cover can grow in and around the steel grate flooring systems. In order to adapt and suit the occupant, various winter blooming plant species perish as the billboards are moved to restrict sunlight.

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